Here are a few things about Elle. I will get up some of my favorite pictures of Elle ASAP (I was working on it today and kinda crashed the computer so when things are up and running again I will post them.) Happy Birthday my baby girl!
- She is almost always happy with a smile on her face
- She is brave and will try pretty much anything
- She is a great snuggler
- She is good at making people laugh
- Her favorite color lately is orange—she wants everything to be orange
- She loves babies and will take at least one baby with her everywhere
- She loves playing pretend with Amber
- She easily adjusts to whatever is going on
- She loves to dance
- She is the messiest eater who loves to dip in various sauces
- She likes to do things herself
- She doesn't like when you try to call her anything but her name; she will correct you, sometimes very sternly, that her name is Elle.