I thought that I had better take a minute and share some of the pictures of the last couple of weeks. We haven't been up to much really, just the usual, but here are some pictures anyway.

Amber resting in a big box. How is it that kids can spend hours — yes hours — playing with a box?! It was fine with me; I used the time to clean up around the house. But I was surprised how long it kept them (mainly Amber) entertained.

Elle trying to lay down in the diaper box like Amber.

Amber pretending to sleep.

Amber excited about being on the swing after a long wait for a turn.

Elle having fun swinging — so much that she cried when she had to get off so others could have a turn.

Amber ready to go to her Joy class.

Elle: who needs a spoon when you have a hand?

Elle loving her yogurt. Now I know why I buy them in the tube.

Elle looking so big with her hair back in a ponytail.

Pretty girls.

Elle one afternoon after her nap (she had her hair half pulled up before sleeping).

Amber all princess'd out with her little buddy Ella.

Elle giving the hat a try.

Me as a princess cowgirl (as Amber says).

Bret Michaels, move on over.
What fun pictures. Elle looks so grown up with her pony tail. If only Arvilla would grow some hair I could do a little one on the top of her head (who am I kidding, I'm far too lazy to do something like that).
I think we owe you guys enchiladas (or was it stuffed French toast?) Either way, we need to have you over for dinner sometime.
Just when I thought I knew what to get ya'll for Christmas, that pink cowgirl hat on J has TOTALLY changed my mind...
Can't wait to see you guys soon.
Who needs to spend tons of money on toys when I swear it is the cheap/free ones that keep them the most entertained. Cute pictures of the girls and I LOVE the one of Elle with her hair pulled back! Can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks!
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