Thursday, March 31, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Elle

I just can't believe that my sweet little girl is already three. I know that I said the same thing about Amber turning five but still it just doesn't seem right. J and I keep saying that it is so weird that she is turning three already but at the same time it is hard to believe that she is only three. She seems bigger and acts older. A lot of people are surprised that Elle is so good and can sit and listen and pay attention so well for being so young (says the proud yet bragging mama!).

She is a sweet older sister to Nathan. She is always taking care of him: bringing him his burp cloth when he gets sad or bringing him his drink when she is getting a drink for herself. She is a very caring sister. She does well being the little sister too. Amber is always being the boss and most days Elle plays along really well. She is willing to play the part of the prince so Amber can be the princess. When Amber wants to play with something Elle has she will normally give it up. Elle has always been a little snuggler and thank goodness she still is. I love it when she crawls up in my lap and just wants to sit with me or when there is a movie on and I am doing other things she will come and find me just to see me and help out if she can. We sure do love this little three year old. Happy Birthday little monkey.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Elle has been out of a diaper (mostly) for about a month now! It has been great not having to change two little people. She hasn't had many accidents (knock on wood) and just goes when she needs too (I still ask every once in a while just to check). We are still having some trouble with going #2. I don't know what to do. I have tried bribery, common sense, training a doll, and whatever else I can think of. Does anyone have any suggestions? I would really like to have her completely potty trained.

I am so excited that spring is here! We have been spending a lot of time outside playing, going on picnics, playing at parks, going canoeing, going on walks, and feeding the ducks. All the kids want to be outside. Nathan has started finding his shoes and holding them up and whining until you put them on and take him outside. It is really going to be hard on them when it gets hot. Here are a couple of pictures of some of the things we have been up to, as well as a video from the visit to a friends farm. You can check out J's take on things here.

Love Nathan's face in this one. He wasn't feeling well and wasn't happy to be here.
Sick Nathan's only time in the canoe was when it was on the grass being cleaned out.
All 3 of them are on iPods (2 on touch's and 1 on an iPhone)
Look at these cute kids. I sure do love them.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

This little piggy, nerds, and steps

So today Amber was doing 'this little piggy' to Nathan's little toes and she has a little different version than I do. It goes something like this:

Starting with big toe:
This little piggy went to market,
This little piggy stayed home,
This little piggy had pizza,
This little piggy went to primary,
and this little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home.

It cracked me up. She doesn't like roast beef so she changed it to pizza and I guess she didn't want any little piggies to have none so they got to go to primary instead.

Here is a fun video of Elle eating nerds

Nathan is starting to try and walk here and there. Here is a silly picture of him in Mr. Potato Head glasses and a video of him taking a few steps.