I just can't believe that my sweet little girl is already three. I know that I said the same thing about Amber turning five but still it just doesn't seem right. J and I keep saying that it is so weird that she is turning three already but at the same time it is hard to believe that she is only three. She seems bigger and acts older. A lot of people are surprised that Elle is so good and can sit and listen and pay attention so well for being so young (says the proud yet bragging mama!).
She is a sweet older sister to Nathan. She is always taking care of him: bringing him his burp cloth when he gets sad or bringing him his drink when she is getting a drink for herself. She is a very caring sister. She does well being the little sister too. Amber is always being the boss and most days Elle plays along really well. She is willing to play the part of the prince so Amber can be the princess. When Amber wants to play with something Elle has she will normally give it up. Elle has always been a little snuggler and thank goodness she still is. I love it when she crawls up in my lap and just wants to sit with me or when there is a movie on and I am doing other things she will come and find me just to see me and help out if she can. We sure do love this little three year old. Happy Birthday little monkey.