Friday, May 2, 2008
I have decided that you can't ever say that you have things figured out as a mother, everyday brings something different - good, bad or difficult. Today is one of those days I am wondering what I was thinking having two children so close together. I am sure there are people out there thinking "she is complaining about two, I have three or four or however many." I think that sleep deprivation may have something to do with why I am not as patient and why Amber is so whinny and grumpy. The two of us together make for a not so pleasant morning. I just hope all is cleared up after nap time. Oh if only I had a nanny today. I kinda did for a month so I got a little spoiled (thanks Mary, Mom & Dad, and Bonnie). For now I am just thankful for "The Backyardigans" for a little break. I really don't regret having these two beautiful girls - it has just been a hard morning. Enough complaining because I really am lucky to have all that I do. Sometimes life just throws you a bad couple of months or days we just have to remember all the good.

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Dear Mother of two beautiful grand children, Nanny dud will travel if it would help, but if I remember right little ones like mommy better.
The pix's are wonderful and the little thinker if weren't such a stinker at times would keep you all going in circles. Amber is a big sister and it takes lots of energy to be a helper, hopefully the nap will help with actions and attitude.
Now if only your nap could do the same thing to refresh you. Keep up the minute by minute blessings and remember to forget these days in the future.
You have the right attitude. On those bad moments/days/weeks (dare I say months?) I just say to myself "this too shall pass" because before I know it my kids will be 15 year old hormonal teens and then I'll really have my hands full. (I too am thankful for kids tv shows)
I don't know how you do it either Chris! I seriously can barely handle just one child. I think I may wait until Cam is in kindergarten before I have another one!!! We will see. I hope today was a better day for you all. Great pictures.
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It does get easier as they get older. Wait until you are having your fourth, going "What was I thinking?" then you will answer "I wasn't." For all the hard days, there are days that you understand why you have children. They are a wonderful blessing, just enjoy them while they are young. At least that is what people keep telling me. Remember you will be blessed.
Christina, you are kind of naughty for giving my that money for babysitting Amber! I really wasn't babysitting for the money, but thank you! It has been fun having you for a neighbor and if ever you need a break please send Amber over to play for an hour or two(two hours away from Mommy might be just about her limit though!) Thanks again, you are very sweet! -Caralee
Awe, Christina.....
The life of the mother of two. Believe me when I say that adjustments will come. I can't remember exactly when Jud and I finally adjusted to having two, but it definitely occurred at some point, probably at a 2:00 a.m. or 4:30 a.m. visit with both (we never had sleepers until this past January when both boys has their tonsils removed--I DO understand sleep deprivation). These little people created in love are so amazing, yet so unbelievable. From one mom to another, it does get easier.....j
Awe, Christina.....
The life of the mother of two. Believe me when I say that adjustments will come. I can't remember exactly when Jud and I finally adjusted to having two, but it definitely occurred at some point, probably at a 2:00 a.m. or 4:30 a.m. visit with both (we never had sleepers until this past January when both boys has their tonsils removed--I DO understand sleep deprivation). These little people created in love are so amazing, yet so unbelievable. From one mom to another, it does get easier.....j
Awe, Christina.....
The life of the mother of two. Believe me when I say that adjustments will come. I can't remember exactly when Jud and I finally adjusted to having two, but it definitely occurred at some point, probably at a 2:00 a.m. or 4:30 a.m. visit with both (we never had sleepers until this past January when both boys has their tonsils removed--I DO understand sleep deprivation). These little people created in love are so amazing, yet so unbelievable. From one mom to another, it does get easier.....
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